Join the Woo community in this monthly powerful activation and manifestation ceremony, guided by candle-whisperer Elena, leading us into a guided meditation and singing bowl concert. Janine will introduce the energies we will be working on, with Tarot readings and intention-setting.
You will learn how to reach deeper and stronger connection to self, promoting vitality, love and abundance. Studies show that groups who meditate together are highly powerful at directing energies, and thus creating their desired reality. We will be using these healing energies to promote positive change for ourselves and the world.
This month, we will be working with the Leo Full Moon, highlighting authenticity, creativity and activating the heart chakra. Full Moons are powerful times to heal, cleanse and release, as well as attracting what we wish, with the Moon working its maximum gravitational force on the Earth.
Duration: About 1 hour
We decided to offer this meditation on a sliding scale donation principle, because we believe there has to be an energy exchange to receive any kind of value or healing. You can choose the amount that makes the most sense to you. If you are in financial difficulty but would still like to join, please email us and we will try to help in the best way we can (
Enter your desired price below ⤵️